
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Essence of the Blues: Using Essential Oils for the Spring Blah's

We have an expression in the Pacific NW that if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it will change. That reality is usually only characteristic of the fall, winter and spring. During the summer, the Pacific NW is the most beautiful place on earth. This year, our winter was undeniably the worst/best on the books. We actually had snow in Seattle numerous times in addition to multiple days of road closures due to the heavy snow during the pre-holiday timeframe. We Seattleites are wiped out from trying to navigate the snow-plow conditions in this usually mild city. And, we haven't seen sun in a while.

So, when Spring (the season that zippers together our Winter blues with our Summer Bliss) arrived recently, we were so happy to see the beautiful sun, we wanted to cry, and kayak, and bike, and have BBQ's on the beach all at once!

Then, the clouds zippered back in as they always do in Spring. But, this year, with economic depression and poor weather layered on top of one another, we wanted to cry for a different reason: frustration. We want nice weather back, we want our jobs back and we want our depression/sluggishness to go away.

What's my point, you ask? Only people from Seattle appreciate the sun as much as we do. And, only after the economy takes a nose dive do we appreciate our income so much (the national savings rate has increased dramatically since the recession). The contrast of sun and dark, of struggle and impetuousness is the interplay in life that we need in order to grow and progress as a full human being.

Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity is a greater. Possession pampers the mind; privation trains and strengthens it. - Hazlitt

In the meantime, we need to get through this bump in the road and weather the storm without physical repercussions. There are a number of essential oils to support you, but first you have to ask yourself what the cause of your frustration is and what it looks like. Read below for a list of different types of oil to suit your needs:
  • Roman and German chamomile, sweet orange, and bergamot all work to relax nervous tension especially if you have little patience at work or if situations seem out of your control.
  • For frustration that's caused by the heart producing a restless, sometimes hyperactive state that results in insomnia, lavender and melissa oils are helpful.
  • Do you feel like relaxation could directly produce a release of tension in your body? If so, then turn to neroli, jasmine and ylang ylang (and bring them with you on your next massage!).
  • Are you tense and tired? Try marjoram oil and clary sage (avoid this oil if pregnant).
  • For tension that drives you on to the point of exhaustion, try geranium and palmarosa.
Most of all, appreciate the dissonance in life on the path to finding your solace.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Overwhelmed by the Opportunities of Spring? Learn how to use Essential Oils to be Healthier and Have more Fun!

Join me in May & June for an exploratory Aromatherapy experience! You will learn to use Essential Oils for healthy spring cleaning, spring detox, and creating an inspirational spring. Call me with any questions!

May/June Classes:

Intro to Aromatherapy: Learn general principles of Aromatherapy including application for use in skincare, bodycare, mental health, physical ailments, and spiritual/life goal setting. This workshop will teach you history, current uses, developments, where to purchase oils, how to detect quality of oils, how to create formulas/remedies using essential oils, and contraindications of oils. Leave class with your custom-made product!
When: (2 sessions) Saturday, May 2nd & 9th 11am - 2pm, To register:
click here.

Aromatherapy Skincare: Your skin is bombarded by intense environmental aggressors every day. Combating these factors by using ordinary products can leave your skin vulnerable and possibly harm your internal health. To use natural products made for your individual needs is the only way to ensure that you have the best care possible for your unique skin type. You will learn what essential oils and natural ingredients you can use to improve your skin's texture and appearance while also nourishing your skin and protecting it from future damage. At the end of class you will create your own face wash, toner or moisturizer custom-suited to your needs!
When: Saturday, May 16th 11 -2 pm, To register: click here.

Spring Cleaning with Natural Aromatherapy Products: Do you want to "go green" with your household products, but are you confused about the information in the media and stores? We'll discuss popular products and what's in them, from cosmetics to cleaners to dog shampoo and baby cream. You will learn about the anti-microbial properties of essential oils which make them safer for your home and family. You will have the ability to create your own custom-tailored household products to address all your individual needs at the end of our class together.
When: Saturday, June 6th 9 - 11am, To register: click here.

Using Scent and Movement in Chakra Healing: Learn to use Yoga and Essential Oils on the path of discovering and balancing your 7 main chakras, or energy centers, for greater health and well-being. Certified Aromatherapist, Carol Walter, and Certified Yoga Instructor, Autumn Needles, will gently guide you through the benefits of essentials oils and a variety of yoga poses and meditations as they relate to chakra healing and balancing. Current yoga instructors, massage therapists looking to add a different dimension to their essential oil knowledge, reflexologists, ayurvedic healers, or anyone doing healing work can expect to learn new tools or to deepen their personal and professional practice. Anyone who has had exposure to yoga, essential oils or chakras, and is curious about learning more, is welcome to attend and learn! We believe that the energy created in the workshop itself will aid anyone who's interested in helping to deepen their understanding of these healing practices.
Location: 5 Focus, South Lake Union. Saturday, June 6th, 1pm - 4pm, To register: click here. $45 pre-registration, $49 on day of class.